Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Snow Day

Today is a snow day for us. I am slowly trying to catch up with my work. I know that I have to add to the current counterpoint assignment. I plan to do that later this evening. I have to get some things ready for the yearbook for tomorrow. Time is getting short for our final deadline, and the class has lots to do.

I did give my students surveys on Monday about teacher-students online friendships. I have to tally those. I had an all-day language arts meeting yesterday with a representative from the Red Cedar project. I gained a great deal from it.

I also learned that our language arts department will have three teachers instead of four next year, and one of those teachers will also teach a couple of social studies classes. Class sizes will be big, and we will have many preps each trimester. Needless to say, this depresses me. I know that many schools are in the same shape. I want to know what changes are being made in our other buildings (middle school, elementary school, and alternative school).


  1. In my district we are facing roughly a 2 million dollar short fall for next year. They are looking at pink slipping around 50 teachers. When all said and done roughly 12 teachers will be laid off. But the superintendent said today at a meeting that if we took a pay and step freeze next year no body may be laid off.

  2. I know that we are living in a tough time. I just worry about how this will affect the students' education.
